







  Win+R 调出“运行”输入“regedit” (不包括引号)回车,打开注册表编辑器。依次展开[[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Language ]分支,在右侧窗口中找到这两个字符串值“Default和“InstallLanguage”,分别双击它们,在弹出的编辑对话框中将其数值数据修改为“0804"(即简体中文),(默认是0409,即英文)单击“确定”按钮保存即可. 再重启一下,登陆Windows即可运行,此方法很简便。  



  英文版的Windows 7可能会玩不了魔兽3,会提示需要特定的语言版本。修改game.dll文件就可以了。任何魔兽3版本通用  





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Comments: 16
  • #1

    Cara Cepat Supaya Benjolan Dimulut Bibir Cepat Sembuh (Sunday, 06 September 2015 16:09)

    thank you for all the information hopefully everything menjdi useful for the society

  • #2

    Obat Cara Cepat Supaya Benjolan Di Payudara Mengempis (Monday, 07 September 2015 10:47)

    thank you for all the information hopefully this quasi be beneficial

  • #3

    Pengobatan Psoriasis Di Indonesia (Monday, 07 September 2015 17:01)

    thank you for all the information hopefully this quasi be beneficial

  • #4

    Cara Alami Supaya Benjolan Di Mata kaki menghilang (Tuesday, 08 September 2015 08:12)

    thank you for all the information hopefully all be useful for many people

  • #5

    Cara Mengobati Benjolan Di Tangan Tanpa Harus Kedokter (Saturday, 12 September 2015 11:22)

    thank you for all the information hopefully this quasi be beneficial

  • #6

    Cara Mengobati Benjolan Sebesar Kelereng Di Ketiak Kanan (Tuesday, 15 September 2015 06:33)

    We very much thank you for all your help, hopefully article How To Treat A lump sum of Marbles On The Right Armpit be accepted by the public we say thank you very much for your help. Thank you

  • #7

    Cara Mengobati Benjolan Pada Jari Tangan Anak Yang Bernanah (Wednesday, 16 September 2015 06:37)

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  • #8

    Cara mengobati benjolan lemak di tubuh (Thursday, 17 September 2015 11:27)

    Our many thanks to all the information and hopefully what has been described in a simple article is acceptable and beneficial to many people, who need this information. Thank you

  • #9

    Obat herbal untuk anak cacingan yang aman (Friday, 18 September 2015 09:14)

    Thanks for all the help the distribution of the article is quite simple but hopefully though this article is simple but it can help ease the burden of women who frantically searching for references to children affected by the worm and therefore hopefully what I make is accepted in the general population, I thank you for the information

  • #10

    Cara mengobati benjolan mata ikan sekitar kaki (Friday, 18 September 2015 11:34)

    we say a big thank you for all the help information is hopefully what we do can be accepted and useful as the should, once again we say thank you

  • #11

    Obat ampuh penyubur sperma pada pria (Tuesday, 22 September 2015 10:38)

    I have had problems in the sperm so I hope all have sperm that are present in this article, why I created this article because I hope that once helped my friends to not diarrhea spirit of undergoing households simply because the semen bit now has no solution do not despairing , thanks for all the help and information hopefully be useful.

  • #12

    Obat penguat alat vital pria saat hubungan intim (Wednesday, 23 September 2015 03:13)

    I have problems in the penis so I hope all had a vital tool that is strong and robust, why I created this article because I hope that once helped my friends to the spirit of undergoing households not only as a vital tool that troubled household be destroyed now I have a solution that is not desperate, thank you for all the help and information may be useful.

  • #13

    Cara mengobati penyakit Influenza dan batuk (Wednesday, 23 September 2015 06:47)

    we say many thanks for all the help and information hopefully my ideas in the form specified in this article can help a lot of people and accepted by many people, once again we say thank you for the information and assistance

  • #14

    Obat Untuk Sperma Kering Pada Pria (Thursday, 28 January 2016 02:24)

    Obat Untuk Sperma Kering Pada Pria

  • #15

    Obat Untuk Sperma Kering Dengan Cepat dan Alami (Tuesday, 02 February 2016 03:41)

    I really liked the article you wrote, very helpful and useful once

  • #16

    Obat Untuk Sperma Kering Dengan Cepat dan Alami (Tuesday, 02 February 2016 03:42)

    I really liked the article you wrote, very helpful and useful once