据称,Windows 7将于10月22日正式发售。熊猫安全软件借此次盛事,要正式送出Panda Internet Security 2010一年激活码。
熊猫安全软件现在已经能够完美兼容Windows 7。所以在这值得庆祝的一天,用户只需要注册一下,就能立即免费获得一年期的熊猫安全软件,防止病毒、恶意软件、木马、蠕虫、身份窃取、网银盗用和其他威胁危害计算机。
1) 在10月22日到来的这一天,进入网站http://us.pandasecurity.com/w7launch/完成注册;
2) 下载熊猫互联网安全套装2010;
3) 收取免费的一年期激活码,使用它;
4) 运行熊猫互联网安全套装,让你的电脑远离那些迫使它站在自由对立面的数字垃圾!
Panda软件公司是欧洲第一位的计算机安全产品公司,也是唯一最大的杀病毒软件公司内拥有100%自有技术,且足以同美国相抗衡的公司,同时Panda 也是世界上在该领域成长最快的公司。目前,Panda已发布了V2010安全套装系列,包括:Panda Internet Security 2010 Final、Panda Antivirus Pro 2010、Panda Global
Protection 2010 Final。
Panda Internet Security 是完整的安全防护套装,可以让您安心地使用网路。它可以保护您不受病毒、间谍程式、rootkits、骇客、网路诈欺、身份窃贼和所有其他各类型的网路威胁。反垃圾邮件引擎可以保持您的收件夹不会收到垃圾信而家长控管功能可以确保您的小孩使用网路时的安全性。另外,也要归功于使用集体人工智慧技术,此产品现在比之前的版本速度更快。
反恶意程式防护、反恶意程式引擎、先进的主动式防护、个人防火墙、身份窃贼防护、反银行木马引擎、Anti-Rootkit技术、安全地浏览网页、反垃圾邮件过滤、家长控管、网页过滤、个人资讯过滤、备份 & 还原。
Windows 7 Launch Party
The Most Free-er-est Software Giveaway Ever!!!
As you know, The Windows 7 launch is October 22, 2009. You’re making an investment in updating your operating system, this says some things about you: you’re smart, computer savvy and
interested in staying up-to-date. But due to your recent purchase, your wallet might consequently be a little lighter, too.
Not to worry! Everyone remotely related to the tech industry is taking advantage of this marketable launch party by giving away free stuff. Not that we can blame them—we are too. But our stuff
is free-er than free: Panda Security is the free-er-est of them all.
October 22, 2009 is the magical 24 hour period when ordinarily pricey things turn into free things. Well, Panda Security is now compatible with Windows 7, so why not pair the two? Register on
this glorious day for ONE FREE YEAR of Panda Security’s anti-virus protection. Prevent viruses, malware, Trojans, worms, identity theft, online banking and other threats from infecting your PC.
Internet Security is ultra light-weight because it’s using “cloud” technology so it won’t hinder your computer from operating as freely as it can. Because the only free thing we can think of that
isn’t good is a computer virus.
Follow these easy steps to free your computer of viruses, hackers and other
1) Register here on 10/22/09
2) Download Internet Security 2010 from our Web site
3) Receive an activation code for one free year and use it
4) Run Internet Security and instantly begin protecting your PC from all the cyber junk that will make fixing your computer the opposite of free!
What makes Panda the Free-er-est of them all?
Free is good. Free is what the people crave. It’s been a proven fact that free-er things are even better than free things because they have reached an elevated level of cost-lacking. Some
free-er things have greatly helped the progress of the world and the general well-being of humankind, such as Panda Security’s Internet Security. It frees your computer of viruses, hackers,
worms, Trojans, phishing, identity theft and online banking fraud and offers 2 GB of free online space to back up files. Internet Security also offers a Parental Control so that children are not
exposed to harmful Web content. Automatic updates, instant protection, easy management; you can’t get any free-er than that. And Panda Security it simply the free-er-est.
For instance, some notable free-er things:
Free T-shirts – though we really don’t need or want them, we can never turn them down.
Statue of Liberty – free-er because it came from the French.
Freebird – no explanation required for this display of musical genius.
Free Drinks – best when coupled with limited implications.
Free Parking – city slickers understand how much free-er this rare treat is than cabbing it.
Get Out of Jail Free – would be free-er if applicable to modern day society, but oh well.
Freedom Fries- because of the haphazard attempt at rebranding a carb-loaded snack that we were all fine with in the first place and the ensuing hilarity of the attempt.
Freedom of Speech – without which, would we have this awesome promotion? I think not.
Free refills – The people need what the people want, and that want is drinking more liquids.
Free Range Chicken and Beef – Because animals have rights too.
Sugar-free- Because diabetes affects millions of people.
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